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L'ITE Vitale Giordano di Bitonto partecipa al progetto Erasmus plus "HEALTHY EU" con scuole partner di Finlandia (scuola coordinatrice), Spagna, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Germania.
"Nowadays people often sit while working, move with car and eat and drink more and more unhealthy things than they need. We already pay huge amounts of money for nursing physical and mental problems of these people. European people live longer but can be even in worse condition than before. The main way to influence this development is influencing our youngsters. At the moment they move too little, eat too much unhealthy food, smoke, drink too much alcohol, play too much with computers and sleep too little.With the results of our project we will solve how we can best influence the present situation. First we will measure output level of our participants with fitness tests and with some questionnaires...
Our aim is to influence health of people far into the future!"



erasmus healthy eu1Il video presenta alcune attività svolte in un break nel corso della giornata scolastica per far scaricare tensioni e consentire agli studenti di riprendere le attività di studio con maggiore concentrazione. Con la II Tu B e il prof. Cosimo Demichele.


videoOutdoorIl video presenta alcune attività svolte nella palestra all'aperto della nostra scuola con il prof. Cosimo Demichele.